
目前顯示的是 12月, 2011的文章

Debug EdtFTP

Debug Edf FTP library by : Add -Dedtftp.log.level=DEBUG for the system properties. Add Logger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); in the source code.

Optimizing the EclipseLink Application (ELUG)

Reference: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Optimizing_the_EclipseLink_Application_%28ELUG%29

SQL Developer 3 - Connecting to SQL Server Using Third Party Drivers

Here's a Quick How To Connect SQL Devleoper 3 to SQL Server or MySQL Note that you can use "Check For Updates" to locate the available drivers. Click Help->Check For Updates Then check the boxes to enable Oracle Extensions and Third Party SQL Devleoper Extensions In the list scroll down to JTDS JDBC Driver or directly download the JTDS JDBC Driver Restart SQL Developer  And then Click Tools->Preferences->Database->Third Party Drivers Add the JTDS driver. Now if you get a message that says java.sql.SQLException: I/O Error: SSO Failed: Native SSPI library not loaded. You are missing a DLL. Go to SourceForge and download jtds-version-dist.zip and find the missing DLL called ntlmauth.dll Put that anywhere in your path and restart SQL Developer.

EclipseLink How to Configure Primary Key Generation

Using Sequence Objects When using a database that supports sequence objects (such as Oracle Database), EclipseLink can use a database sequence object to automatically generate identifiers for your persistent objects. Using A Default Sequence EclipseLink can produce a default sequence during schema generation. If you use schema generation, then specify that your identifier should be generated and that the SEQUENCE strategy be used to perform the generation. In the following example, the @GeneratedValue annotation indicates that the identifier value should be automatically generated; a strategy of SEQUENCE indicates that a database sequence should be used to generate the identifier. EclipseLink will create a default sequence object during schema generation that will be used at run time. @ Entity public class Inventory implements Serializable {   @Id @GeneratedValue ( strategy=GenerationType. SEQUENCE ) private long id; ...

JasperServer with NoClassDefFoundError

Problem: JasperServer with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/jasperreports/engine/util/JRStyledTextParser or Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'fontBean131398302334587677' Solution: Add java.awt.headless=true as the server start arguments.