Clone database on SQL Server

Method 1:

In the SQL Server Management Studio:
  1. Right click on the database 
  2. Select Tasks
  3. Select Copy Database...
  4. Follow the step in the Copy Database Wizard
Method 2:

In the SQL Server Management Studio:
  1. Right click on the database
  2. Select Tasks
  3. Select Back Up...
  4. Select the desire database and back up the database to disk
  5. Right click on the "Databases" and select New Database...
  6. Create a new database with the desire name.
  7. Right click on the newly created database
  8. Select Tasks
  9. Select Restore > Database... to restore the database
  10. Select From device to look up the image file.



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Multiple writable mappings exist for the field. Only one may be defined as writable, all others must be specified read-only.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xerces/jaxp/datatype/XMLGregorianCalendarImpl$Parser