Java Wrapper Framework

Comparison of Java Wrapper Framework

Comparison of wrapper frameworks

Note: If you would like to add further frameworks or in case of errors in the table please inform me.

Run as Windows ServiceXXX 
Run as UNIX DaemonXXX 
Support Mac OS X launchdX   
Platform indepemdent installation of services/DaemonsX   
Java EmbedableX   
Wrap Java ApplicationXXXX
Wrap Groovy ScriptX
Wrap native executableX X 
Wrap as executable   X
Portable ConfigurationXX  
Capture and Log console outputXX  
Stop and Reconnect WrapperX   
Monitor ApplicationXXX 
Restart ApplicationXXX 
Single Instance EnforcementXX X
Control Process PriorityXX  
Control Process AffinityX   
Alert EmailsXX (Commercial)  
Timed Events and Event commandsXX (Commercial)  
Configuration generatorX   
Define Process NameX  X
Automatic selection of JVMX  X
JMX SupportXX  
System Tray + GUI ConsoleX   
Windows Cluster AwareX
Network launcherX
Support JNLP configurationX
Java Webstart launcherX




java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xerces/jaxp/datatype/XMLGregorianCalendarImpl$Parser

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